20 February, 2009

Jaangle due for this weekend

If everything goes well, this weekend, jaangle will be released.
Last things are:

Some minor stuff from Leif.
Some code to Transfer the options/data from the "Teen Spirit" Directory for the old users.
Jaangle site update.
Some web links like "Personal page" etc.

18 February, 2009

Jaangle 0.96 beta 7 Available

I hope you are not getting tired.
After a serious crash bug introduced in beta 6 i had to release one more.

Last changelog (since beta 6)
* PaneStates properly restored after restart
* Some dialogs beautification
* Crash bug on ToolTip fixed (from beta 6)
* BugFix. It couldn't remove a file from database if it didn't exist in the file system.
* ESC key now works in every window except the main
* Right Alignment for Hits in history

16 February, 2009

Jaangle 0.96 beta 3 (last?) Available

Download here: http://www.jaangle.com/files/j903.zip

This is the latest changelog
+ Tagging. Options For Selective Tag Support (List box with mp3/wma/m4a ... Read support .. and the same for write support)
* Delayed update of PlayList Items for faster load of large playlists.
* Lyrics downloading (iGoogle) fix
* Some translation fixes / removals
* History window size is now remembered
* DoubleClicking on Lyrics Search plays the item.
* Default language selection fixed
* Minimum number of characters for Quick search is 3 now
* Automatic restore on Quick Search "Clear"
* New skins/languages

OnDemand - Delayed PlayList Update

After a GrandMelenas request a change (and a huge optimization) has been made in loading m3u files.
You can see more details here.

Crash Reports: mp3

As it turns out, the last update of TagLib (Updated in 0.95h) may crash while reading some mp3 files. It should be rare as it doesn't crash anywhere in my 22k collection. As already reported also m4a files crashes a lot.
That's why there are some new Options to enable / disable certain file types on Read / Write Tagging.
I m looking for such crash-y files

13 February, 2009

Crash Reports: m4a

In Teen Spirit 0.96h.866 there was an TagLib (the tag engine of Jaangle / TeenSpirit) update.
m4a,m4b,m4p,3g2 filetypes were added but now i have to remove them.
Too many innocent people see the "Teen Spirit Crashed" message and send the reports while they were try to rate, read, write their files.
866 Crash rate has reached 12.2% (863 was in 9%) maybe because of this.

Jaangle 0.96 beta 2 Available

Most reported issues for beta 1 (even from Leif's numerous emails) have been fixed.

+ Basic Skin Editor. Changes in skin options.
+ Search operation in play list context menu
* Clear button added in Quick Search Edit
laziness to log other changes

If there aren't any more major issues i ll quick check about 2000 crash reports that they are waiting and make the final release.

10 February, 2009

Jaangle 0.96 beta 1 released

Finally it is available. I hate to say it but the most changes have been in gui although some internal architecture changes will let Jaangle have some unique features in the future.
Skins has been reinvented. Panes have been improved and the whole application is much more configurable.

Download it here. (There is not an installer. just extract the files to a folder)

Here is the full change log for Jaangle 0.96.901 (beta 1)

+ Different Full Screen on Maximize
+ Toolbar has been re-added
+ Toolbar: Add the Close/Restore/Min buttons and show them on Maximize
+ Toolbar: Add the Increase/Decrease/Reset font size buttons
+ Pane Captions: Switch pane containers / ALternate layout introduced
+ Skin Framework update. Include Font / Sizes Instructions.
+ m3us are supported for association with the application
* Dblclicking on a tree item now expands the item if it is expandable. Otherwise it is added to the playlist.
* Fix in the Advanced search window, Track List, Play List, Tree View onOver behaviour
* Tag-write support has been removed from wma's
* Player Bar has been refreshed
* Track list control default display changes (Title is first and controls may be removed)
* DblClicking on the info control displays the current picture
* Change colors in Advanced Search / History List boxes -> White/grey
* Option added for safe mode of player. Use it with the Realtek driver when there is bad sound quality.
* PlayList - Options: Show the number of the track in front
* Improved font scaling
* Track List. Option not to show info icons (Lyrics / Comments etc)
* New Option pages - rearrangements
* New Option. Turn off the cleartype fonts

Here what is left to be done for 0.96 final

- Playlist: I will appreciate if you add this one on your to-do. In playlist (F4), add this option on the right-click menu: "Locate album songs". The actual "Locate album" (or Home key) is usefull for the one-artist albums; but for a various artists album, sometimes you want to see all the songs of this album. I think the only actual manner to do it is enter the album title in search (F3) or go to the mode "album".[/quote]
Maybe something like.. "More like this" in playlist with a submenu Artist - Album - Genre - Year...
- PlayList: What I would like to do is to randomize the list from the next song to be played on.
- Release the beta
- The problem is every chinese artist are recognized by the player as the same so if I were to tick the "display artist picture" in special info under options and play the songs of lets say artist 周杰伦 it will start a slideshow of every single chinese artist
- See the crash reports / fix errors
- Installer: Make the setup copy music.mdb/Storage Folder/Registry from app monitor from the TS if exists and music.mdb does NOT exist in the jaangle directory.
- Installer: Also start the TS uninstall (to remove the icons.. etc)

and what is planned for 0.96b

- MiniPlayer. Add a "jump to" bar / Numbers in front of the tracks
- Player. Show number of tracks/current track/total playlist time
- Tree Pane. More buttons for style/mode toggling
- List control: Configure Button to be added if you want the icons to be showed
- Track Properties. Add Picture Property page
- List Pane. Add option for doubleclicking Nothing/Play/Enqueue/Enqueue after
- List Pane. Quick Search to have a button to delete the text previously entered
- Tree Pane. Add option for doubleclicking Nothing/Play/Enqueue/Enqueue after
- Add a localized google search (use IDS_LYRICS for search)
- Different skin / font size for full screen.

02 February, 2009

Getting started

Jaangle will be the next version (0.96) of the free music management application Teen Spirit. There will be several new GUI changes and skin options.

Here are some first links for this project.