26 October, 2009

Jaangle 0.98b released - or who needs a GUI?

Jaangle 0.98b expands what 0.98 started with the tooltip. Now it includes buttons and a shortcut key to display it anytime.

Jaangle 98b version tooltip
The full changelog is here:
- Player: Bugfix on Mute for video files
- TrayToolTip: Remove the ontop property
- TrayToolTip: Removed "Jaangle" Tooltip
- TrayToolTip: Close button removed
- TrayToolTip: Play/Pause/Stop/Next/Prev buttons added
- TrayToolTip: GUI changes
- MiniPlayer: Non printable characters sould not show QuickSearch
- Amazon Plugin: Review - TrackList retrieval fixed
- TrackListPane: Quick search resets when there are less than 3 letters in search box
- Bass Media Engine: Fixed a crash bug on certain mp3s
- Syatem: ShowMiniPlayer function re-added in the system menu
- Hotkeys: Show Quick Search / Show Tray Tooltip added
- MiniPlayer: ESC on MiniPlayer shows an artifact on QuickSearch

16 October, 2009

0.98 release

As promised 0.98 is here. Enjoy

The latest changelog is:
+ TrayTooltip: Added
+ TrayTooltip: Option to show on media changed (default = enabled)
+ HotKeys: Show TrayTooltip on hotkey
+ MiniPlayer: Settings has been added in the Context Menu
+ MiniPlayer: Volume slider Added
- Tagging. Enabled wma - mp4 read support and mp4 write support
- Tagging: FileTitle is used when artist exists and there is no track name info
- Options: MediaPlayer Options bug fix
- MiniPlayer: Option to disable transparency when the cursor is over the window
- System: Show What I am listening is not working (All Trackers MSN / LastFM / Native) had this issue) Check the solution
- PlayerWnd: Mute button added
- Slider: Tick drawing to indicate minutes
- TrayToolTip: Display artist picture if album cover is not available.
- QuickSearchDialog: Showing Album pictures if available and then artist pictures
- QuickSearchDialog: Setfocus on startup fixed
- Skins: SubBk Skin Options for TreeCtrl (in colors.ini) are re-enabled
- Advanced Search: BugFix The list in advanced search was empty
- Player: Upgraded to Bass 2.4.4

Jaangle future details

Jaangle 0.98 is almost ready featuring tray tooltips, bugfixes and small visual enhancements. It should be out this weekend.

For 0.99 i am working to embed a full-featured YouTube Player which will make jaangle able to direct play virtual YouTube tracks, playlists together with other normal tracks.

* Note: there are 170 big & small features waiting in the todo list.

04 October, 2009

0.97b release

0.97b has been released today

The major changes are:
1. An upgrade to the miniplayer

A new autohide position slider has been added, direct buttons for searching, menu, restoring. There is also an addition in context menu with options for locating the album of the current track and a "Play Album" which plays the full album that the current track belongs.

2. Quick Search Dialog & Algorithm

It can be started by CTRL+F in the main dialog and by pressing the "Find" button in Mini Player (and by some other way).
The search algorithm has become a little more google like - it breaks the search string in spaces and tries to find ALL the string fragments in album/artist/path/title.

The complete changelog for this release:
+ System: QuickSearchDialog Added
+ Searching: Simple quick search replaced be Google-like search.
Example: if you want to search the song "Nirvana" - "School", you can find it by typing just 'Nir Sch'.
+ System: CTRL+F initiates QuickSearch
+ MiniPlayer: Locate Album / Play Album / Open Containing Folder added in context menu
+ MiniPlayer: QuickSearch / Menu / Restore buttons added
+ MiniPlayer: Position Slider (Auto show on mouse over)
- System: Tray menu fix
- Tagging: TagLib 1.6 Update
- QuickSearchDialog: ENTER -> Play, SHIFT + ENTER -> Enqueue, CTRL + ENTER -> Insert After
- Miniplayer: Blank time when no time information
- MiniPlayer: left/right arrow for +/- 5 sec. up/down for prev/next track
- MiniPlayer: ForceOnTop Option bug fix
- MiniPlayer: Press any character on miniplayer to Initiate QuickSearch.
- Player: Fixed enqueue bug
- System: [BACK] has been replaced by [SHIFT + ENTER] for enqueue. [CTRL + ENTER] is used for insert after operation
- System: Drop down Buttons are drown correctly now
- PlayList Pane: Bugfix on drop files
- QuickSearch: Artist pictures / Ratings added in display
- QuickSearch: Results are sorted by Rating and then by Title
- MiniPlayer: PlayAlbum is sorted by TrackNo / Location