05 September, 2009

Jaangle 0.97 beta 1 Available

I am planning to post some articles in the future to demonstrate the new features.

Last changelog (since 0.96b)
- Information Retrieval: Fixed the amazon service (signed requests)
- Tagging: Fixed a multi language (unicode) problem on the lyrics tagging.
- Services: New format - better for sharing / updating (Not 100% compatible with the 0.96 version)
- Services: Each service can now have an icon
- System: Changed the hashing of artist/album names which are saved in the "Storage" Folder (There was a Unicode confict in Japanese). (Not compatible with the 0.96 version)
- System: Thumbnail Image Cache added. This will help the application to start faster, use less the disk and draw the GUI elements a lot quicker
- System: Each pane can be added multiple times.
- System: BugFix on the OnTop state of MiniPlayer (could lost)
- PlayList Pane: RandomizeNext Added
- System: Add Pane & New Maximized Pane function added
- PlayList Pane: Randomize Next Tracks in PlayList Contexct menu Command
- PlayList Pane: Bugfix. Rating in now working for multi selections
- Visualaztions Pane: BugFix (maybe crash?) On Starting / stopping.
- Visualization Pane: Video is now played in a separate Pane
- Video Pane: Independent VideoPane Added
- Video Pane: Auto UnFullScreen when the video is over
- Info Pane: Automatically Show Video Option
- Options: "New" Definition moved to main options dialog
- Options: Removed Obsolete Dialogs.
- Skin Options: Now loading a lot faster
- Play List Pane: Better handling of the current selections
- Web Services: Separator added in every 5 webservices menu items
- Web Services: http://www.discogs.com/ added
- Web Services: http://lyrics.wikia.com/ added
- Web Services: http://SongMeanings.com/ added
- Web Pane added
- Web Pane: Now you can open all services to the integrated WebBrowser

Forum Post


  1. Jaangle just getting better and better. Thank you for your hard work Alex !!!

  2. what song notifier from the taskbar icon???
