26 October, 2009

Jaangle 0.98b released - or who needs a GUI?

Jaangle 0.98b expands what 0.98 started with the tooltip. Now it includes buttons and a shortcut key to display it anytime.

Jaangle 98b version tooltip
The full changelog is here:
- Player: Bugfix on Mute for video files
- TrayToolTip: Remove the ontop property
- TrayToolTip: Removed "Jaangle" Tooltip
- TrayToolTip: Close button removed
- TrayToolTip: Play/Pause/Stop/Next/Prev buttons added
- TrayToolTip: GUI changes
- MiniPlayer: Non printable characters sould not show QuickSearch
- Amazon Plugin: Review - TrackList retrieval fixed
- TrackListPane: Quick search resets when there are less than 3 letters in search box
- Bass Media Engine: Fixed a crash bug on certain mp3s
- Syatem: ShowMiniPlayer function re-added in the system menu
- Hotkeys: Show Quick Search / Show Tray Tooltip added
- MiniPlayer: ESC on MiniPlayer shows an artifact on QuickSearch

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this brill software. Wish I had found it sooner.
