03 November, 2009

0.98c release

0.98c looks like it will close the 0.98 series which has been dedicated on the evolution of the Tray Tool Tip window (or notification window). Volume and track position sliders have been added and they really make a difference (at least in me when i am listening to music - autocontinue mode - while working).

Here is the full changelog since the (b) release
- Track List Pane: Quick Search on Track List Changes: Max results limit set to 100 (it was unlimited) and there are no minimum characters (it was 3)
- QuickSearch: Max result set to 30 (it was 10)
- TrayToolTip: Position / volume slider added
- MiniPlayer: OnTop fix
- MiniPlayer: 1000 ms delay on mouse out shrinking
- System: Replace the 3 Text Size buttons with one with sub menu +3 + 2 + 1 0 -1 etc....
- Music Browser: Sorting tracks before execution.
- TrayToolTip: "Jaangle" text position fault


  1. What is "+2+10-1" ???

  2. Nice work!

    I think he means text sizes with that.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, a Linux version would be amazing

  5. My new favourite music player! Does anyone had difficulties with Last.fm scrobbling? I turned on the the Last.fm integration in Jaangle, but still nothing... Anyone?Help?

  6. >>Adam
    Check if this work for your case.

  7. Just want to say thanks for all your work! Why is Jaangle such a secret? I've been using Winamp for years, Zune a couple of years, WMP before that...never heard of Jaangle till I happened upon it by accident this morning! What a welcome surprise! I downloaded, ran the program, aimed it at my music files and BAM! All my tracks and albums were loaded in a couple of minutes and with album art! AMAZING! Using it on a flash drive at work...stunning! Thank you...just what I was looking for!
