27 December, 2010

Source Code Release

As promised the source code have been released under GPL in sourceforge. Find it here:
Jaangle (Teen Spirit) source
The info that i have added until now in the sourceforge site are pretty basic but the full code is there (an SVN client is needed - tortoise is a good option).
If you have any questions on how to compile or how to be added to the project (or anything else) please ask me in the forum.
The code is written with C++ in Visual Studio 2005 and needs the boost libraries, windows media SDK and winamp SDK.
The release of source code will let Jaangle use great GPL code like a new VLC audio video engine. Moreover it is a call for other developers to join.


  1. Jaangle is an awesome music player. It's really cool, light weight and very user friendly. All of my friends love it and have started using it.

    But there's one small problem in the UI. Some people confuse the close buttons of the smaller window panes (eg. playlist pane) with the window close button.
    So I was thinking it would be really nice if you guys introduced some kind of a lock-unlock button for the window panes.
    This way we could avoid the reordering or recreating of the panes again and again in case someone closes the window pane instead of the main window by mistake.


  2. This program is very good maybe the best, but, I think that can add two thinks
    1.- If is possible can we change the name of the songs and the artist, an the album in the "TRACK LIST PANE", and can do select many songs (directly)
    2.- Can You ADD the sound of 5.1 for that we can listen in all of channels.

    Thaks, I am very impressing whit this program

  3. Thanks for Jaangle, I use only this on my PC. Please can you check the randomize algorithm in playlist?
